We Always Proclaim God


The command of our Lord to fulfil the sharing of His saving grace to the entire world requires each one of us to be personally prepared to plan, pray and work towards this goal. This ensures that our testimony remains fresh, challenging and urgent in our daily witness in our marketplace encounters.
When we keep our hearts and mind daily with God’s Word, we will keep our hearts right before Him.  We will not lose our first love for Him as we go about our own daily chores and duties.  We talk to Him and walk with Him and are obedient to Him. We do this even though we may not fully understand what God’s initial instructions may be. We proceed with action in spite of fears and uncertainty about going to the unknown neighbour, colleague or acquaintance. We need to ask them where their main life investment is and who the main anchor is in the future they believe in.
Sometimes the Lord has already prepared the way, the method and the heart of the person. But still He wants us to individually get up in faith and go out of our comfort zones to talk about Him.  Then we will really understand, as the Apostle Peter did in Acts 10, that we who seek first the Kingdom of God seek first to obey Him, to align our motives and goals with His in obedience.  As He brought the whole family of Cornelius, the Centurion, to His saving grace, He will help us to be lights in this dark world.  He will give us the godly wisdom where to go and when to go.  He will provide for all our needs – finances, safety, lodging and friends to walk along our side because there is great reward in obeying our King.
Not only is there great reward in obeying God but he will make avenues for us to testify in front of and to fellow believers. We see this in Acts 11 when the church, the body of Christ, is edified and Jesus Christ is glorified. When we personally take the challenge to know God and the power of His salvation we will always proclaim Him to lost people where He directs us.