The image of God

13 January 2019

Of all creation, only mankind was made in the image of God – “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Gen 1:27). But what does it mean to be made in the image of God? Knowing this is important because it will guide our purpose and how we live on earth. It is not easy to describe the image of God in one simple statement. In fact, theologians think there are at least three ways for us to understand this. No one view is sufficient on its own to explain it fully; it may be better to consider them collectively.

The Substantive View

The image of God is located within each human and can be thought of in terms of some psychological or spiritual quality (i.e. substance). For example, the powers of reason and will. Furthermore, man is created for filial relationship with the divine and intended to exhibit familial traits of righteousness, integrity and holiness. Do we reflect God’s image by desiring to apply our minds to study God’s word – the Bible, – to reflect on what it says and to acquire wisdom? Do we live righteously and in holiness – before God and people?

The Relational View

The image of God is seen in the experience of a relationship. This includes a human being’s relationship to God, and his relationship with others. Humans are to know, to love and to obey God, to worship Him and to live in harmony with people. We are not meant to be lone islands for “no man is an island”; we must be in community. Do we reflect God’s image by the way we desire to draw close to God in fellowship and obedience and in the way we love and care for others?

The Functional View

The image of God is seen in what the human being does in ruling and control over creation. Man is the ruler of the earth, inasmuch as Yahweh (God) is the ruler of the universes. We are to rule responsibly, not for our own sakes, but for the welfare of the subjects – the creation we have been entrusted with. Do we reflect God’s image by taking care of the environment and the creatures and not exploiting them?

The term ‘image’ is also used in the parallel passages of the Synoptic Gospels about paying taxes to Caesar (Matthew 22:20; Mark 12:16; Luke 20:24). Some believe that Jesus implied in his reply that just as the coins belonged to Caesar because his image was on them, human beings who bear God’s image therefore all belong to God (and that even includes Caesar himself)! Let the understanding of how God has created us enable us to better fulfil our God-given roles and responsibilities. Let us bring glory to his name through all that we are, in all that we do, and in the way we relate to God and others.