The Chosen People


Israel was and still is the apple of God’s eye (Deut. 32:10; Zech. 2:8).  In Rom. 9:4-5, Apostle Paul lists the following privileges which Israel received from God:

  1. Adoption as Sons.  God adopted the Jews as a nation.  This does not mean that every Jew is His child.  What it means is that Israel has a special collective relationship with God.
  2. God’s Glory.  Israel enjoyed the privilege of God’s visible presence to guide and protect them.  No other nation has this privilege.
  3. The Covenants and the Law.  God made covenants with Israel to do certain things for her.  He has not made such commitment with other nations.  The Law of Moses was given toIsrael specifically.  Although the laws of many nations are based upon it, God never gave it to them.
  4. The Temple Service .  The Jews were granted the privilege of serving God in the Temple .  God instituted this service for them to worship Him acceptably.
  5. The Promises of a Messiah and Blessings to Other Nations.  God gave to Israel the promise of a Messiah (Christ), and also the promise of blessings to other nations through the Messiah.

Despite these privileges, Israel rejected Jesus Christ.  Besides, she has a long history of disobeying God.  Therefore, she has not been able to benefit fully from the blessings of her privileges.  Notwithstanding Israel ’s repeated disobedience, God demonstrated faithfulness to His covenants with her.  He performed for her many gracious acts through many generations. Deut. 32 tells us about God’s election of Israel (vv 8-9), His deliverance during her exodus from Egypt (vv 10-12), and His gift to her of a land of milk and honey – Canaan (vv 13-14).

Through the new covenant in Jesus Christ, God has similarly promised blessings to His Church.  In Eph. 1-3 we read that when we believe in Him as personal Lord and Saviour, we have the blessings of being adopted, forgiven, sealed with the Spirit, delivered from spiritual death, made alive in Christ and called to works that God has set apart for us.  However, for complete enjoyment of these blessings, we are to obey Him.  This is God’s pathway of blessings for us, just as it is for Israel !