Submission To Authority


In Gethsemane, Jesus went to pray before His crucifixion. He was in deep anguish over His imminent sufferings, separation from His Father and death for the sins of the world (Matt. 26:36-46). He knew His part in the divine plan of redemption for mankind. However, as fully man, He struggled with what He would be going through. Heb. 5:7-9 tells us that because of His reverent submission to His Father, His prayer was heard. His strength to obey followed from this relationship with His Father.

On the other hand, when we look at the Israelites’ relationship with God, we soon discover that it was full of problems. It was not that God had made it very complicated. The fault was with the Israelites. They were repeatedly disobedient – constantly backsliding. It was actually their disobedience which caused all the problems they had with God. If they would only submit to God and obey, their relationship with Him would be much less complicated.

In Deut. 28:2-8 and Rom. 13:2, God has promised us blessings for obedience to Him and to all those He places in authority over us (e.g. government authorities, work bosses, parents, family heads, etc.). This submission is, of course, limited to their sphere of influence. At no time does God expect us to obey any person or institution in authority requiring us to do things which are contrary to His Will or Word.
What if the authorities are unjust or unfair? Even if this is so, we need to trust God that He will one day equalise the books for all the injustices done against us, and reward us for our obedience to His Divine Word (2 Thess. 1:6-7).
When we think about the whole thing, we can see the great wisdom of God. Through His command to us to submit to authorities, He is getting us to learn what obedience to Him involves in practical terms. His way is always the best way.

Help us, O Lord, to heed Your Word,
Its precepts of submission to obey;
And may we fight the rebellious tendency
To walk in our own way. (David Sper, Adapted)

We may need more than a new start.
We need a new heart – of obedience in submission to God!