Rainbow in the clouds

17 February 2019

Noah blessed God by his altar and sacrifice. God blessed Noah by a special covenant. A new beginning, a fresh start, requires a statement of God’s promises and man’s commitment. It is a two-way binding accord, aligning mankind to God’s heart.

God’s commission to his creation from the beginning of life has been consistent. On the fifth day, to the living creatures in the water it was to “be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water” (Gen 1:22). On the sixth day, to the created male and female, it was to “be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it” (Gen 1:28). To Noah and his sons, it was to “be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth” (Gen 9:1).

God restated the same creation commission of “be fruitful and increase in number” to Noah. God’s commission is covenanted by his promise of power and authority “upon every creature”, and the maintenance and subsistence of “everything that lives and moves will be food”. To Noah and to those who receive God’s commission, God will enable them to do his work by his gracious and bountiful provisions. Likewise, Christians should be willing and boldly respond to anointed and appointed commissions from the LORD, knowing that he will empower and provide all that is needed to “increase and multiply” his kingdom.

God’s covenant to bless Noah and his descendants, comes with some provisos. The key responsibility was for them to be accountable for life, the value of human life. Even towards the animals, they must not be barbarous and cruel. People should not take away their own lives nor that of others. The commission to “increase and multiply” life must surely be accompanied by a sensible proviso to preserve and value the multitude of lives so produced. There must also be a duty of love, care and maintenance when God gives the increase.

God’s covenant with Noah is marked with a seal, the beautiful rainbow, which is uniquely conceived and only possible by the One who created the heavenly firmaments and the earth. A rainbow so formed reminds all future generations that God will never cause another flood to destroy the earth. Seeing “my rainbow in the clouds” always brings delight, gladness and smiles. It appears soon after the rain when the sunlight breaks through the clouds. No one would disdain the sight of rainbows and many would eagerly look for it whenever someone reports of seeing one. Such is the response evoked by the sight of the rainbow. Indeed, God gave the rainbow to bring about hope and cheer to people all over the world. The appearance of “my rainbow in the clouds” represents God’s covenant with Noah of abundant blessings and of fruitfulness.