I Am The Lord!


Leviticus 26 addresses blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience from “The LORD”.  This was how God’s people in God’s land were to live in His presence – according to His Laws and statutes.  If they remained faithful to “The LORD”, they would be blessed with rain and a fruitful land.  However, if they were to turn away from Him and follow other gods, there would be curses on the people and the land.

Sadly, this came to pass in a tragic way for Israel.  Jeremiah 14-16 describes the famine, sword and pestilence (the very same warnings mentioned in Leviticus 26) that “The LORD” was to unleash on His people for the idolatry committed in the land.

Today’s Christian, reading Leviticus 26, might not be blamed for asking if this passage is still applicable for him.  If we think that we are now free of the Law because we belong to Jesus, think again!  Jesus said: “But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one dot of the Law to become void” (Luke 16:17).  The Law certainly remains a faithful revelation from “The LORD” of what is right and wrong and does not lose its validity to measure and direct our moral behaviour.

The Jew in ancient Israel could only despair at his inability to live up to the requirements of the Law.  For us now God has made it possible, through Jesus’ atoning sacrifice on the cross, to fulfil the requirements of the Law.  We can now be holy in the sight of “The LORD” (Lev. 11:45) as we march towards God’s promised land to spend eternity in the presence of “The LORD”.  Hallelujah, what a Saviour!