Everybody Ought To Know


If our hearts are right with God, we will not think highly of ourselves or our methods in reaching the lost for our Lord. We must remember that God is the one who gives us the conversions and increase – always. He is the one who has and will guide all new believers in the path they should collectively and personally take to teach, guide and admonish in the living Word of God. He directs Christians to provide nourishment to these new believers. He takes care of the materials, methods and technology to fluently and clearly communicate living truths through our lives into these new believers and to edify the whole body of Christ.

This happened in Ephesus, Macedonia and Greece, the known defined areas of the world at that time. Then the believers returned to the church at Jerusalem to share with the believers by declaring the works that the Lord had brought through their hands. They shared about all the blessings and also problems, challenges with natural calamities. However, they were still going on strong in their faith, walk and witness for Him. They kept their goals of pleasing Him and exalting His Name in the joy and power of the Holy Spirit. Their hearts overflowed with praise and worship to Him as recorded at the end of Acts Chapter 20.

This faithful lasting testimony of the disciples, documented throughout the book of Acts should serve as an inspiration to us. We are to always check if our hearts are wholly His. We are witnesses at home, at school, at work and in our neighbourhood. Our witness is to shine as lights and our message seasoned with salt of our Lord’s fragrance. Our enthusiasm and freshness towards “THE WORLD’S LOST” should never diminish as we seek God and His will with a heart that is holy and wholly dedicated to Him. Everybody ought to know who Jesus is!