
8 March 2020

We make choices every day, every moment. The choices we make is a reflection of what we value. In Matthew 6:19-24, Jesus exhorts us to choose the right values in three areas. Firstly we are to choose treasures in heaven which are imperishable rather than the treasures of this world which can either degrade or be stolen. Treasures in heaven refer to actions in the now which will result in eternal consequences such as the development of Christ-likeness, sharing the gospel with others so that they too may enter the kingdom of God, and the giving of our resources for the expansion of God’s kingdom.

Second we are to choose a spiritual vision that is consistent with being children of the light rather than one which is consistent with being children of darkness. Children of the light are not to be greedy (bad eye) but are to be generous (healthy eye). If our aim in life is to get material gain, it will mean darkness within. The darkness is frightfully more terrible for failure to recognise it for what it is. Both this and the earlier example call for us to live with God at the centre (‘treasure in heaven’) in light of his sovereign rule (‘light in you’) as expressed in the opening strains of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-10).

Lastly, we are to serve God rather than serve money. The word ‘money’ may be better translated as ‘mammon’, which came from a Hebrew word which means ‘to entrust’ or to ‘put in someone’s keeping’. On its own, the word did not have any bad connotation. If we were to ascribe it a negative meaning, then we would have to add a further description, for example, ‘mammon of unrighteousness’. Sadly, the meaning of the word shifted from ‘that which is entrusted’, to ‘that which we trust’. We can shift subtly too. We think we are great compromisers, but we aren’t. We need to decide right at the start that we are here to serve God above all else and that all we have is given by God and held in stewardship for him. We can use our money to serve God, but if our hearts are set on the things we have, then we are not really serving God, whatever we may think we are doing.

Choosing the right values will in turn free us from the anxieties of this world because we know our heavenly Father will provide us with all that we need (Matthew 6:25-34). Children of the light see God’s provision for his creation and creatures and will be assured of being similarly cared for if not more so. Instead of being anxious over accumulating more food, more wealth or more power for ourselves, the assurance of God’s provision frees us to focus on doing God’s kingdom work and glorifying him. What values will you choose in relation to kingdom living?